TACO in the New York Times
(More relevant is to read the article by Tim Wu!)
From Wednesday, October 10, 2018, published in the Opinion Section of the New York Times, both online and in print ~
To the Editor:
Read “In Praise of Mediocrity,” by Tim Wu (Sunday Review, Sept. 30):
As the founder, director and conductor of the Terrible Adult Chamber Orchestra, I found Tim Wu’s thoughts highly relevant.
We have a large group of musicians of all skill levels who gather monthly, forming a full orchestra that spends an afternoon playing classical music for fun. The key word is “fun.”
For many who might otherwise never pick up their instruments as adults, or who want to learn at more advanced ages, having a place to gather and play classical music for pure enjoyment, without the demanding, perfectionist preparations needed for a concert, gives regular folks the opportunity to feel sociably joyful.
Thanks, Mr. Wu, for underscoring the importance of embracing mediocrity in relaxing, engaging and fulfilling avocations.
Cathy Humphers Smith
Los Altos, California